This condition can occur anywhere in the body. It is most frequently seen in the lymph nodes and lungs. It
is also commonly found in liver, eyes and skin. It is sometimes seen but less frequently in the other organs of the
body such as brain, joints, heart, nerves, bones and many other places. Sarcoidosis can be active at times and inactive
at other times. When the condition is active the cells are growing and when inactive they stop growing or can even get
smaller. During the active phase it can produce scaring of the affected organ which may not go away during the inactive
phase. The damage from having this condition varies greatly from little to no affect on an individual to progressive
debilitating problems with the affected area. This medical condition can be treated but there is no known way to prevent
it. In some cases can result in death due to damage of vital organs. Although this disease involves the growth
of cells it is not a form of cancer. They are not quite sure what cause the condition but it is believed to be related
to genetics and the immune system.
The limitations on an individual that are relevant to a Social Security Disability
claimant are vast and depend on what body part the condition has affected. If it is affecting the lungs it can cause
shortness of breath and pain in chest. Lymph Nodes can become swollen. In the eyes it can affect vision, light
sensitivity, pain and burning. On the skin it can cause sores, bumps and discoloration. In joints it can cause
pain, swelling, loss of motion. This is just a short list of some common symptoms but because the condition can affect
almost any body organ the different types of symptoms and limitations from those symptoms are vast and too extensive to cover
all of them here. There are also some total body symptoms that are common like fatigue, weight loss, and feeling ill.
Because Sarcoidosis can affect so many different areas of the body many times people with this condition are found
disabled by equaling a listing of another condition. For example if sarcoidosis is affecting the joints they may be
found to equal the listing for arthritis. It is important if you have this condition and are seeking Social Security
Disability or SSI that you keep this in mind and look at the
medical listing of impairments of the area of the body which your condition is affecting to see if your symptoms and limitation closely resemble those found
in a given listing. If you think it might show the listing to your doctor and ask his or her opinion.
if you don't equal one of the listings you should have your doctor fill out an
RFC or report which describes your limitations. The many different possible combination of limitations in someone with
severe sarcoid can be enough to show one can not work. It is also not uncommon for someone with this chronic condition
to suffer from depression and the limitations from this can further support your claim for disability. To understand
how SSA determines if you are disabled for SSDI or SSI.