The below links will take you to pages that explain the medical conditions as I know it form my experience in dealing
with Social Security Disability claims for these conditions as a lawyer. I try to explain a little bit about each
condition and how that particular condition may be handled in a disability claim. I have tried to be accurate with
my medical explanations but I am not a doctor. I have also included a link that explains how Social Security will look
at all your medical conditions together including the effect of treatment, and medication side effects when determining
if you are disabled. If you are trying to win your Social Security Disability benefits for any of the medical conditions
listed below be sure to read the page on your particular medical condition or conditions along with the rest of the information
in this website. Most people applying for SSD or SSI benefits have more than one medical condition and it is important
that you understand that SSA will look at all your medical conditions combined to determine if you are disabled. Even
though it is important that you read the whole website that is relevant to your particular situation if you are going to fully
understand the pages linked below for specific medical conditions it is very important you read at-least my page on
how Social Security determines disability. My pages below are written in a way that assumes you are familiar with how Social Security evaluates all medical conditions
in general when determining if you are disabled, and the pages below add insight into how your particular medical condition
is handled within that frame work.