Our Purpose

The purpose of this site is to provide free SSDI and SSI information. This site should help those who are contemplating applying for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income and those individuals who have already applied for Social Security Disability benefits, no matter what stage they are at in the Social Security Disability process. If you have any questions that are not answered by this site or want a free consultation, please feel free to e-mail me at karl@ultimatedisabilityguide.comvisit my law firm's website or call 877-527-5529.  I will try to answer any questions you might have about Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). 

     My name is Karl Kazmierczak, Esq. I am a Board Certified Social Security Disability Specialist by the National Board of Social Security Disability Advocacy. Please click on the following link for more information on what it means to be a Board Certified Social Security Disability Specialist. I have handled thousands of cases in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. 

How to Use this site.  If you are new to the process of Social Security Disability, I recommend you start by reading the "disability process."  This page will give you an overview of how your claim is processed and what procedural steps you have to take.  To understand how SSA determines if you are disabled you should read the page, "am I disabled?".  After you read this page, you should follow the different links to get a better understanding of what it takes to prove your disability.  I also strongly suggest you read "how to win" and "key to SSDI and SSI".  There is a lot more information on this site, but this should give you a good starting point to help your claim.
     If you need tips on how to win your SSDI or SSI claim, continue to read this site and bookmark it so you can come back and use it as a reference while you take on the Social Security Disability process. Please note that it is my intention to provide accurate and up-to-date information on this site, as I put in great effort to do this. However, the information on this site is not guaranteed and no lawyer-client relationship exists.  This site is not a substitute for consultation with a lawyer.

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Please email me with any questions or a free consultation.






"Thanks for the site, absolutely a "Bible" for all who have fear, doubt or lack of knowledge." - Christopher
"Is by far the most informative I have found and I did a lot of looking.  Easy to navigate and answered everything I was wondering." - Tom 

"THANK YOU!!!! I just wanted to let you know that by following your advice on your site and with the help of my State Congressman,  I was approved for permanent disability (SSD) in 3mos...   Just saying thank you and keep up your wonderful site."  Alyson
To see what other have said about this website read the website testimonials on the page called "Best Social Security Disability Website".


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If you need a lawyer for your Social Security Disability or SSI claim or just want to ask a few questions you can also call me at 1-877-527-5529 and ask for Karl.  Or you can click on the following link and fill out the form if you prefer a local lawyer note that on form.

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Social Security Disability Blog 

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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Review of new software I think can help some of my readers with disabilities.

I am going to do something today that I have never done before on this website. I am giving my review of a new software product called Dragon NaturalSpeaking 10. The reason I decided to do this is because I feel this product can be of a huge benefit to many of my readers who may have difficulty typing and using their computer due to their disabilities. I have been using the software for three days and I can honestly tell you it is truly amazing. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 converts what I say into text. I type with two fingers and as you can imagine what a task it is for me to write a website on social security disability as long as this website is. I have tried this type of software before and have never been satisfied. This program is different and by far the best one I have ever used. Not only does it convert your words into text but allows you to do many of the functions of your computer without using the mouse or keyboard. I can even surf the web without even having to touch my keyboard. It's accuracy was great right out of the box but what is more impressive is that it gets more and more accurate the more I use it. The advantage of this product to those of you who have disabilities related to your hands, arms, or shoulders is fairly obvious. I have found that it has been very helpful to me because I have some lower back issues and I no longer have to lean over my keyboard. I can simply sit back in the most comfortable position for my back and dictate what I want typed. Even if I need to stand up I can continue my work without missing a beat. I have been waiting for a product like this for a long time. The product has several versions. The one I am using came with a digital recorder that allows me to dictate even if I am not near my computer. When I get back to my office I simply plug in the recorder and it is converted into text. One thing I should mention is that I have a fairly good computer and from other reviews that I have read, this can have a big impact on how well the software works. So before you go out and buy the software, I do recommend you make sure your computer meets or exceeds the requirements recommended by the software. One last note, I have done this entire post with the software. I hope you're all enjoying your long weekend and can take a mental break from the stress and frustration of your Social Security Disability claim.

9:36 pm edt 

Friday, August 29, 2008

When should you apply for SSD benefits?

When should you apply for Social Security disability? Social Security says that you can apply right away for social security disability benefits once you stop working. However, you must be aware that to get Social Security disability benefits you must be out of work for a year or more or be expected to be out of work for a year or more. This is does not mean you have to wait a year to apply. However, if you're going to apply for Social Security disability benefits right after you stop working you should have strong evidence that your medical condition that makes you disabled is permanent or expected to keep you out of work at least a year. If you simply apply right after you stop working without making sure you have strong evidence suggesting you'll be out of work at least a year then you run the risk of Social Security simply stating that your condition is not expected to keep you out of work for a year. This can be a waste of an opportunity to have your case decided on its merits. So if you're going to apply right after you stop working you may want to try and get a report from your doctor which clearly states a detailed description of your medical condition how it limits you from working and how long the doctor thinks you will be unable to work. If you do not have this evidence it may be wiser to file your application at least six months after you stop working. I say this because it usually takes the district office about 3 to 6 months to make a decision on your claim so when the decision is made the district office cannot simply say your condition is not expected to last a year. This is why many of you have heard from lawyers to wait a year after you stop working to make your application. It is my opinion, that waiting six months can protect you against this type of denial without having to wait the extra six months. Again, there is nothing that prevents you from applying as soon as you stop working but if you do so, make sure you have the evidence that shows you will be out of work at least a year if not permanently. This can save you the frustration of getting back a decision that denies you based on the durational requirement and not on the merits of your claim.

11:06 pm edt 

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Understanding Social Security Disability
For many of you applying for Social Security Disability the process can be very confusing.  You might be thinking to yourself, if I can not work how can I be expected to put the time and effort in to my case that it will take to win?  You can always get a lawyer to help you with your claim if you do not feel you can give yourself the best chance to win.  If you decide you do want to do it your self then you must learn about SSDI and or SSI and what you have to prove to win your case.  A good place to start is right here.  If you spent anytime looking at the other websites out there I believe you will quickly realize that the best and easiest information to understand on the subject is this website.  I started this website to be the best source of free information on Social Security Disability.  My site is not the best looking site and I admit my grammar and spelling is not always correct but I have done this entire website myself and used my years of experience representing clients to try and provide in an easy to understand way how it all works.  The subject matter is complex and even after reading my website you may have questions and I invite you to ask them by e-mailing me.  I have put many hours into this website in the hopes it may help some of you get the benefits you deserve.  Even if you have a lawyer you should still try and learn as much as you can so you know what to expect from the process.  I thank all of you who have e-mailed me in the past to tell me how my site has helped you.  I will continue to provide new information all the time so make sure to bookmark the site.  If you are visiting my website for the first time I hope you find it helpful and informative.  Good luck to all of you in your claims.   
10:17 pm edt 

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Have you heard this from a lawyer? Call me when you get denied.

Have you been told by a lawyer to wait until you get denied and then call them back?  I have noticed from many of you who have e-mailed me that this is a typical response you get from lawyers when you try and get one at the application stage.  I personally disagree with this approach by lawyers.  I believe it is more based on a business decision than anything else.  In my opinion, many lawyers or representatives tell you this because if you win your claim at application then there is normally very little if any past due benefits and therefore the attorney would get paid very little if anything for his or her work.  This is because the lawyers fee is based on 25% of the past due benefits.  I take a different approach, in fact I like to get cases right from the start because then I know the case is handled properly from the get go and increases the chances of winning overall.  Does this mean that sometimes I will not get paid or paid for little for my effort?  Yes, but I feel overall the case is better prepared if I am able to help at the beginning of the case.  I think the lawyers who tell potential clients to call back if they are denied are making a mistake because even if the lawyer is able to win quickly and not get paid very much they will have a very grateful client and this can never be bad for a lawyers reputation.  Plus, our job as lawyers is to help people get the disability benefits they deserve as early as possible and financial considerations of the lawyer should not be considered when deciding when to take a case.  Now to be fair some lawyers believe that if a client can win at application then they did not need a lawyer for their case.  However, an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer should be able to have an idea of which cases do and do not need a lawyer at application.  So how do you know the difference.  Well, if the lawyer never asks you about your medical conditions and just asks what stage in the process you are at then when he hears you are at application he right away tells you to call him when you get denied, then you know he has not evaluated your case.  In my opinion, a lawyer should listen to the facts of your case and if he feels you have a strong enough case to win without a lawyer he should tell you and let you decide if you still want a lawyer at application.  If you are told to call back if you are denied and still want help with your claim there are plenty of lawyers out there willing to help.  It might just take a few more calls to different attorneys to find one.

8:33 pm edt 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is Social Security Disability Representation Becoming Too Corporate?
It seems to me that representation of claimants in Social Security Disability cases is starting to look like it is being taken over by large corporations.  Every time I turn on the TV I see another large law firm or company with a new commercial.  Don't get me wrong I have nothing against advertising in Social Security Law, but it seems like there are many more large firms and advocate companies than ever before.  I have no knowledge of how these big companies and firms process their cases but I wonder if they are able to actually truly represent a claim with any personal attention to the individual claimants.  I think as a result of this we are seeing more and more non-attorney representation.  Now, there are some very good non-attorney reps out there and in no way am I suggesting that a non-attorney can not do as good a job for an SSDI claimant as a lawyer.  But are these big companies hiring and training non-attorney reps because they are the most qualified or because it is cheaper to hire a non-lawyer to do the same job.  I also wonder if the claimants that sign up with these big firms are aware that they may be represented by non-attorneys who may have very little experience in dealing with SSDI cases.  On the other side of the coin, I have also noticed recently that there appears to be more and more lawyers that practice in other areas of law starting to represent Social Security Disability cases.  There are good attorney reps and good non-attorney reps but there are also allot of inexperienced representation from both non-lawyers and lawyers.  The best thing you can do when choosing a representative is to do your homework, and ask questions of the firm or company you are thinking about having represent you. 
11:19 pm edt 

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